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If you’ve ever complained of having a stomach ache, there’s a good chance someone has offered you a ginger ale. And if so, they were not far off.

Ginger root, also commonly referred to as ginger, is a spice that comes from the underground stem of the ginger plant. 

Closely related to turmeric and cardamom, ginger is often used in Indian and Chinese cuisines. The use of ginger as medicine dates back to as early as the fourth century BC, where an early Chinese text hails its health properties. 

Today, ginger is used in more than half of known herbal remedies. And, while ginger ale, unfortunately, contains only minimal levels of ginger, true ginger root really can ease digestion and provide a slew of other gut health benefits. 

Is It Safe To Eat Raw Ginger?

Ginger can be used in a variety of ways including, fresh, dried, powdered, and juiced. While ginger can be eaten raw, it is more often cooked, dried, or used in tea. 

In fact, dried ginger provides the same benefits that fresh ginger does.

What Is Gingerol?

Gingerol is the most active compound in ginger. As the most pungent compound, the natural oils in gingerol are what give ginger its tangy and fiery taste as well as its strong and easily identifiable aroma. 

What Are the Benefits of Eating Ginger Every Day?

Ginger is thought to support weight management by reducing redness and swelling, aiding gastric motility, and increasing calories burned. Gingerol can help regulate insulin and blood glucose levels, which may play a role in insulin-resistant consumers’ weight management. 

Digestion Support

Soothing indigestion is perhaps the most well-known benefit of ginger. One cause of indigestion can be a postponed emptying of the stomach. 

Ginger, however, can actually quicken the process of clearing the stomach, helping relieve any indigestion, nausea, or vomiting.

It is also believed that gingerol’s properties can help relax the gastrointestinal muscles, another body function that can soothe a sour stomach.

Studies also reveal that the chemicals from gingerol can help reduce vertigo-induced nausea by working with the brain and nervous system. Not to mention, ginger may help soothe morning sickness during pregnancy in a similar way.

Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Regulation

Gingerol can help regulate and lower blood sugar by stimulating insulin production, the hormone responsible for managing blood sugar levels. 

Ginger powder is also thought to help block the enzymes that affect carb metabolism, improving insulin sensitivity and increasing glucose (sugar) absorption in the muscles. 

This process can be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes. Additionally, ginger breaks down into glucose slower than many other foods, keeping ginger from triggering a spike in blood sugar levels when it breaks down in the body.

Several studies have found that along with lowering blood sugar levels, daily ginger use can also lower LDL cholesterol levels, which is the type of cholesterol that can cause heart problems.

Supports Heart Health

Ginger is filled with minerals such as potassium and zinc that can support heart health by helping increase blood circulation and regulate blood pressure. Gingerol’s antioxidant properties can lower the type of oxidative stress that wears on the heart. 

Helps Ease Menstrual Cramps

Several studies suggest that ginger can help reduce physical discomfort during the menstrual cycle. 

Immune Support

High in vitamin C, ginger can support a healthy immune system. Historically, sailors relied on ginger to avoid scurvy when out at sea for long periods of time without access to fresh fruit and veggies. 

Antioxidants can also boost the immune system. And while all spices contain antioxidants, ginger appears to be exceptionally powerful in this regard, with 25 varying antioxidant properties.

Ginger is also considered thermogenic, meaning it can warm up the body and promote healthy sweating that can help relieve cold symptoms from the body.

Ginger also has a high bioavailability, thanks to its concentrated amount of active ingredients that is easy for the body to absorb. This means you can feel the effects of ginger even when consuming small amounts. 

While ginger can work wonders on the body all on its own, mixing ginger with vitamin C-rich lemon has been used to boost the immune system and reduce cold symptoms for centuries. It is still a popular and accessible home remedy today. 

The Brothers Apothecary even has our own tried and true cold-busting ginger and lemon recipe.

Neuroprotective Benefits

A number of ginger’s properties can also help support brain function. The nutrient choline is found in ginger, and it is also vital for supporting neurotransmitters that help your brain and nerves communicate.

Can Eating Too Much Ginger Be Harmful?

While ginger is considered safe for everyday use, you shouldn’t consume more than four grams of ginger per day, including ginger used in cooking. 

If pregnant, you should only have one gram of ginger or less. Or, if using ginger to make tea, you should typically drink three or less cups per day.

 Ginger can interact with certain meds, such as blood thinners, so check in with your doctor about daily ginger usage and dosage.

What Is the Best Way To Take Ginger for Benefits?

Because ginger has a high bioactivity rate, it can be taken in numerous ways without losing its benefits. 

Ginger capsules and supplements using a powdered form of ginger are one popular way to add ginger to your daily routine. 

Dried ginger can be found in ginger teas, and fresh ginger can be used for flavor in ginger water, both of which can be used daily but are especially helpful for supplying the body with vitamins and relieving cold symptoms.

You can make your own ginger water by grating approximately a half teaspoon of washed, fresh ginger and combining it with four cups of boiling water in a saucepan. 

After letting the ginger boil for at least five minutes, you can strain the ginger and add lemon juice and honey, if desired. Ginger water can be consumed hot or cold.


Century after century, the gut health benefits of ginger hold up. 

Here at The Brothers Apothecary, we love experimenting with using this mighty spice in our organic recipes and products. 

We hope you enjoy the ginger root’s powerful and unique benefits as much as we do!



Ginger in gastrointestinal disorders: A systematic review of clinical trials | Food Science & Nutrition

Clinical observation on ginger-partitioned moxibustion plus manual repositioning for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) | Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science

Effects of Ginger on LDL-C, Total Cholesterol and Body Weight | Clinical & Medical Biochemistry

The effect of ginger for relieving of primary dysmenorrhoea | JPMA

Ambassador of Teas, CEO

Jesse Richardson is the co-founder of The Brothers Apothecary. He's an avid tea drinker and the primary creator behind The Brothers' products. An undergraduate of UCLA for Political Science, Jesse currently studies Medicinal Plants at Cornell University and The International School of Herbal Arts & Sciences.

Meet the Brothers.

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