Time to talk to your doc!
CBD is being touted as the cure-all for anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and basically any other wellness need. Despite its reputation as a panacea, we’re betting you got your CBD recommendation from your holistic doctor or your health-health-conscious friend, not your regular physician. Just because CBD is derived from cannabis (not to mention it’s the trendiest ingredient du jour) doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bring it up at your next checkup.*
Why bring it up?
It’s always wise to keep your physician abreast of any new holistic treatments or lifestyle changes. That includes taking CBD. If you’re taking any medications prescribed by your doctor, they will want to know of anything (herbal or otherwise) that you’re taking that could interact with your meds. After all, a Doc’s job is to monitor every aspect of your health!*
What will they ask you?
Most doctors will want to know what got you interested in CBD in the first place. Especially if you’re taking CBD for a specific health benefit. If you’ve recently become more of an insomniac, or are struggling with anxiety, these are good things to clue your Doc in on.*
Will your doctor tell you to stop taking CBD?
Cannabis and CBD products vary in legality depending on what state you’re in. Although CBD is legal in many states, at the federal level it’s still considered a Schedule 1 drug. Physicians are still people with their own biases and opinions. Some doctors might be opposed to CBD treatments on personal grounds. That being said, the World Health Organization announced last year that CBD doesn’t pose any health risks. While there is currently little medical research on the long-term benefits of CBD treatments, the World Health Organization believes that CBD doesn’t post any risks of abuse or harmful side-effects.*
What’s the benefit of bringing it up?
Telling your doc about your new CBD regimen will allow them to supervise it, to some extent. This could mean a follow-up visit, or some minor blood work to track how the CBD is actually affecting you. Most importantly, these tests will make sure the CBD is not interfering with any other prescribed medications. Your doctor could also potentially help you fine-tune your dosage, or how often you should take CBD for your specific health needs. What if it turns out that your CBD product of choice is actually preventing your body from properly metabolizing another medication? Your doctor will know if that’s easily solved by adjusting your dose. You may need to stop using ingestible CBD altogether, and switch to a topical.*
Final Thoughts
While starting a convo about CBD with your doctor might feel a little awkward, you might leave with a more effective and measured treatment plan. If your doctor dismisses your question outright at the first mention of CBD, don’t despair. Maybe its just time for a second opinion. Remember, you’re not limited by one doctor’s personal bias. Perhaps a good avenue to explore would be holistic, naturopathic or Eastern medicine!*
*The Apothecary LLC are not doctors and we do not provide medical advice. None of the information on this site, including information in any press release or blog post, constitutes legal or medical advice by us.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.
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Jesse Richardson is the co-founder of The Brothers Apothecary. He's an avid tea drinker and the primary creator behind The Brothers' products. An undergraduate of UCLA for Political Science, Jesse currently studies Medicinal Plants at Cornell University and The International School of Herbal Arts & Sciences.